Launch event of the first United Nations Innovation Technology Accelerator for Cities

Mardi, 16 mars 2021 - 2:00pm - 3:30pm

What is UNITAC-Hamburg? UNITAC-Hamburg is led by UN-Habitat in collaboration with the United Nations Office for ICT and HafenCity University, and is based in Hamburg. It is funded by the Government of Germany and has been established to address the potential of digital technologies, data and innovation to contribute to sustainable urban development. It will use pioneering technologies, prototyping and applied research methods to develop innovative solutions to achieve SDG 11 and other related SDGs. UNITAC focuses on three core themes: open, transparent and participatory governance of data and digital platforms; mapping, spatial analysis and visualization; and people-centred smart cities. The solutions developed by UNITAC will be tested and piloted in Hamburg as well as other cities across the world, and will be shared through a novel network of partners in academia, government and the private sector.

At this launch, we will explore the role of data and digital governance in smart cities, from the point of view of Hamburg as well as from a global perspective. The event will provide a platform to position UNITAC as a key player in digital cooperation and people-centred smart cities, hosting speakers from government and academia as well as international organizations.

Please find the full agenda, information on the speakers and registration here.

We look forward to your participation. For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Isabel Wetzel at or at