Selected projects from the UNITAC Open Call 2024


UNITAC selects three new projects from the Open Call 2024

UNITAC Open call for projects


UNITAC invites organizations to submit project ideas that address the most pressing urban challenges with data or technology solutions.

What data projects mean for informal settlements


Tagesspiegel Background article: Insights from Prof. Dr. Gesa Ziemer, UNITAC Academic Lead and Head of City Science Lab, in Hamburg.

Using Artificial Intelligence for Better City Planning

eThekwini South Africa


To support the eThekwini municipality in automating their building mapping process, the UNITAC team developed BEAM (Building & Establishment Automated Mapper), a software that uses Machine Learning to radically accelerate the spatial recognition of buildings and keep track of changes in the built-up area or density. 

How Knowledge Graphs can help analysing risk and resilience in cities

How Knowledge Graphs can help analysing risk and resilience in cities


UNITAC Hamburg created the City Resilience Tool. A model, that through the use of knowledge graphs can help analyse risks and improve the resilience of urban systems by providing cities with information on potential shocks, vulnerabilities and stresses.

UNITAC Conference on urban tech for equity

UNITAC Conference on urban tech for equity

UNITAC Hamburg is organizing a conference from 18th to 20th of June 2024 to bring together academic institutions and practitioners to discuss how data-driven urban technologies can reduce social inequality.

Leveraging local expertise to enhance urban sustainability with BEAM



UNITAC team facilitated the launch of the Building and Establishment Automated Mapper (BEAM) tool and, in partnership with the Human Settlement Unit from the eThekwini Municipality, hosted a Project Advisory Meeting in the city of eThekwini, South Africa. 

Experimenting with data for urban planning in the city of Maceió, Brazil



Read the full article with the main findings derived from the research into relevant tools for better data collection and management in the city of Maceió. A case study and pilot tool to demonstrate how open data can be used for public policy and decision making processes in also included.

Supporting sustainable urban recovery in Ukraine


UN-Habitat has started activities in Ukraine to support the country’s urban recovery efforts, including sustainable and inclusive urban recovery planning across the country.

Urban Technology & Collaboration in Informal Settlements


Enhancing livelihoods and empowering communities, a Symposium journey.

Digital Kgotla in Botswana, Gaborone - Participatory urban planning with DIPAS


UNITAC in collaboration with the Department of Town & Country Planning of Botswana (DTCP) and the Botswana Digital & Innovation Hub (BDIH) hosted a 2-day Digital Participatory Planning Workshop in Gaborone.

People-Centered Smart Cities at the Smart City Expo World Congress


In November 2023, UNITAC participated in the Smart City Expo World Congress, in Barcelona, Spain, to showcase the initiatives and digital tools developed to accelerate people-centered smart cities. This included hosting panels on digital tools and data for participatory urban planning, and presenting these tools at the UN-Habitat pavilion, in the exhibition area.

Strengthening partnerships for stronger Ukrainian cities


UNITAC Ukraine team contributed to the sixth German-Ukrainian Municipal Partnership Conference, hosted in Leipzig, Germany, from 13 to 15 November 2023.