New UNITAC project aims to support local and national governments to develop smart city strategies

A new UNITAC project aims to create a "Smart City Strategy Toolbox" to support governments develop in an easy way smart city strategies with a people-centred approach.

The Smart City Strategy Toolbox will be a comprehensive instrument that step-by-step guides and supports local and national governments as well as urban stakeholders to develop need-based, sustainable, and people-centered smart city strategies that respond to cities’ challenges and opportunities. 

The Toolbox will be hosted on an accessible and inclusive online platform, consisting of adaptable and interactive guided processes that navigate users across developing a smart city strategy and an open knowledge repository that offers learning materials and additional resources developed through co-creation sessions facilitated within the multidisciplinary project team and capacity building activities on the ground in partner countries and cities in Africa.

The project is still in its inception phase and is expected to be developed in the next 3 years.

Stay tuned for more information about this project.